Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesdays (04/06/2011)

About your significant other. This is how I see my husband through my eyes. He is THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD. I got this idea because:

1. My husband really bowls overhand LOL!
2. He has a latin accent
3. He is so interesting!

Stay thirsty my friends!

Vloggin' Vednesdays

Vednesday, April 6th "Significant others" - tell us about 'em, or show 'em, whatever you like (could be husband, wife, pet, friend...)

Vednesday, April 13th "Let's Talk Music" - It can be playing music, listening to music, anything you want to talk about music related.

Vednesday, April 20th "10 years ago" - We pretty much know what you are like now, what were you like 10 years ago?


Ashley Sisk said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That was so creative - I love how you put that together.

L. said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This was hilarious! Does his mom have a tattoo that says "Son?" :D