Monday, July 16, 2012

7-Month Update!

Yes, he does take a big whiff of his socks above...  Boys will be boys.  Created with Gifboom

Last Friday as I was marking up my Lansinoh Mother's Milk bag with the date, I realized it was Friday the 13th.  That lead me to realize it was also Mateo's 7-month mark.  Already!

What can I tell you about Mateo lately?  Well how about how awesome it is that he can now go forward in his walker?!  He finally switched gears from Reverse to Drive and off he went!  According to my dad, he can spend an hour in his walker now, but as soon as either my mom or I get home, he'll start crying and wanting to be held.  We need to do something about that!

I need him to spend more than ten minutes in his walker at MY house!  Crying babies are not conducive to cooking dinner, and I've been dealing with it for 7 months now.  

Matayto Potato has also been epicurious lately.  With his newfound mobility, he's been wheeling himself to one room in the house in particular: the kitchen.  There you can find him begging like a puppy (did he learn from Mokee and Qori?) for "scraps" while my mother is cooking.  It's a hilarious sight.  Yesterday he scored a red kidney bean.  He was all dimples....

I don't want to jinx anything, but on the sleeping front we've had a semi-success.  I've experienced a total of two nights where he's gone to sleep around 8:30 pm and not woken up until 5 am.  If he DOES wake up in the middle of the night, I have increased the bottle from 4 oz to 6 oz and that has helped him sleep longer.

Other Tater Tidbits:
  • Now that he's more mobile, he doesn't sit still on laps anymore.  He's very fidgety and kind of annoying but if you sit him down next to you he starts to cry because he wants to be held. (It's yet again, like a dog.  Let me in, let me out, let me in....)
  • He likes to hold his own bottle, but still needs a lot of help in understanding how the laws of gravity works with liquids in a bottle.
  • While laying in his crib, he's been scooting up his body as he cries to the point where if I don't get to him fast enough, I will find the top of his head touching the crib railing and possibly hurting him.  This worries me, so I have fastened the crib bumper back onto the crib, despite SIDS-related recommendations not to use a crib bumper.
  • He's intrigued by the tags on his stuffed toys. (He's become a label Nazi -- much like his brother at that age)
  • He doesn't need his Boppy pillow when sitting anymore, but he does need soft flooring for the occasional goof-up.  And now that he's better at sitting, he doesn't need to be in his carrier when we go out anymore! Yeah!
Mama's 7-Month Tidbits
  • I'm not sure why (hormones normalizing?) but my hair is suddenly less frizzy and therefore more manageable.  I'm LOVIN' it.  I feel like a normal person again.  (Despite all the baby hairs due to the hairloss)
  • Milk supply went down since our vacation and I'm working on stimulating it back up.


Hope you had a good Friday the 13th! -Shirley


Jessica W said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yay, little man is getting so big! I can't resist those dimples either.

It sounds like he is really starting to show off his personality more.