Friday, September 21, 2012

Armed and Dangerous

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The other day my little and only sister came over and confided in me that she has finally decided to join the TTC world and will try to make me an aunt.  I tried my best to stay calm, but deep down inside a parade began with trumpets blaring.  Amid our detailed discussions over daunting TTC acronyms like "TTC" "BD" "2WW" "DPO", etc.  I couldn't contain myself and blurted out,

"I'm so excited that I'm finally going to have a niece!!!!"

"What if it's a nephew?" she asked.

At that moment I caught Diego as he ran by the couch, scooped him into my arms and then proceeded to build two pigtails out of his hair.

"You will give me a niece, or the kid gets it!"  I threatened.  No pressure!

Armed (with an elastic band) and dangerous - Shirley