Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Walls Are Closing in on Me!

Another week has gone by and I'm happy to report on the progress of our remodel project.  We have a closed in roof and walls!  Still nothing close to a kitchen, but hubby did hook our old gas range back in, and I have a whole spigot and a huge pot on the floor as my sink.  I know!  Luxurious, isn't it?

Although I still haven't reached my limit in terms of eating microwaved, mini White Castle cheese burgers, I've been depending a lot on my mother for "real" food.  I buy the ingredients, she cooks them when she gets home from work, and by the time I get there after work I'm picking up my "3Ds":  Dinner, Diego, and Dog.  You're darn tootin' that Qori does not stay in the backyard during this remodel.  He's much too civilized a dog for that, so I bring him to my mother's house every day too.

Hubby also moved some stuff around in our designated living space to make things a little more accommodating.  He took down the massive crib taking up space in the middle of our living room and re-installed our tv so that we can find some sanity and not kill each other during this project.   I don't think we'll need the crib for awhile since Diego is over his crib stage and he's been sleeping with us in our bed during the remodel.  Also, this second time around when the baby is born, I'm thinking of going with a bassinet for the first few months so we won't be needing that crib for awhile.  As the living space started to clear, Diego finally had access to his billions of toys again.  He was "Super" happy!

Pardon the silly pun.  I couldn't resist.


Sara said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow, these photos really put the size in perspective for me. I'm glad to see it's coming along! :)


Jessica W said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nice, it's really starting to take shape. I bet your mind is going with all kinds of ways to decorate it.