Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Domino Effect

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Mateo caught the stomach flu due to some random thing he put in his mouth and then "graciously" extended his stomach flu gift to Diego and then finally to me.  Mateo has suddenly decided that he hates his pacifier and refuses to use it, and yet he still puts anything in his mouth:  enter endless germs and viruses.  

I stayed home on Friday with the bug.  It was so helpful to have my mother inlaw home to care for Mateo while I still found it impossible to get out of bed.

I thought Diego would get bored and wander out of my bedroom and into the living room where he could at least watch TV.  But my little dude stayed close by me and I got to snuggle with a pair of big eyes and a set of squishy toes.  Although I missed my usual Fast Food Friday, it was still nice to spend the day puking bonding with my son....

Back among the living - Shirley