Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Laborious Day

My goal is to have somewhere around a million pictures of Diego while he was a baby (OK, a million is probably stretching it). I've gotten ideas from other blogs of cute pictures that I want to take. Unfortunately most of the time my excuse is either that I don't have enough time, or because the whether sucks-out-loud where I live and I just really need sunshine to take a decent picture.

One of my photo ideas was to take a picture or Diego with my guitar (which is STILL on my list of things to learn to do). Luckily, on labor day the moon and stars aligned, which in turn made the sun come out and gave me some free time. So in between cooking for a Labor Day picnic, and grooming the dog in the yard, I was able to FINALLY take advantage of an elusive photo-op.

The Labor Day picnic couldn't have gone any smoother either. All in all - it was the perfect Labor Day. Why - just look at Qori's face!