Friday, February 25, 2011

Love, San Francisco

If you're not from the Bay Area, let me let you in on what's trending here.... the weather. Snooze! I know how boring right? Wrong! San Francisco loves it's weather, and it's a chance in Hell that you would ever see snow in the forecast.

Snow?! Yes, snow. Supposedly tonight, and yet I'm not even THAT cold right now, but I pulled out my cute winter boots just in case. We were planning to take Diego up to the snow while I was on my sabbatical but time (and sickness) got the best of us and we didn't get to go. So, I guess the snow felt obligated to come to us (because we're rock stars!). That is - if the snow comes at all. We're all skeptical around here, and yet my camera and Diego's unused snow suit are READY!

It's hard to believe that only a couple of weeks ago during a bizarre, hot February week I saw this San Francisco picture posted on Facebook - true story....

Want to know if it's snowing in SF yet? click here...