Thursday, April 5, 2012

House Equals Home

I don't know how we survived this remodel but last night was the first night spent sleeping in our new, practically completed master bedroom.  Our light switches and sockets only need plates, and then we can call it done-zo (except the bathroom)!  I can't believe it!  Next it'll be time for some interior decorating!  I've always loved orange as my accent color but I'm thinking about throwing in some pattern as well.  Right now I'm thinking a zebra or damask print vanity chair and accent bed pillows. 

It's so hard to believe that we've finally reached the stage where I can start decorating the house!  Except for the kitchen.  That still needs some love too but the good news is that all the free appliances I spoke of before are now in my custody (Hell yeah!)  I'm going to need to learn to bake with those double ovens!  We need to hook up/install all the appliances, install a counter, and install tiling on the back wall and then the kitchen will be done!

Here are some pics of how the finished parts are looking so far and what I'm planning in terms of decor:

I had no idea Qori was in this picture until I uploaded it.  He can't be away from me!  He loves me...

Can I just gloat once more about how much in love I am with my beamed ceilings? No?

OK - here are my two Pinterest pins that are inspiring me for the dining room and the family room.

Livin' in Luxury! - Shirley


Sara said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your house is looking amazing! I love the wood accents throughout the house and can't wait to see what you do with all of the decorating. But for now, enjoy soaking it all up! :)


Jessica W said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The remodel looks awesome!