Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Days Till Xmas: Day 4

Speech Therapy Bear
I was trying to think of something to take a Santa Hat pic of today, and brought a hat to work in case the idea just dawned on me.  Well it didn't happen at work, but it did happen during Diego's speech therapy.  They were giving out Xmas teddy bears to all speech therapy students.  I didn't feel that the bear was festive enough until the Santa Hat was on him.

Ahhhh, that's more like it.  Season's greetings - Shirley

P.S.  It's a coincidence but the company I work for sponsored this bear give-away (ribbon).  It's like they said, "We know you skipped out for a bit to take your son to speech therapy.  Big Brother Bear is watching you!".  Not really - LOL!