Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Four-Zero Project: Week 9

This was a tough week.  Morning sickness made an appearance a few days ago and decided that it liked the digs and stayed lingering around for an entire 2 days!  Of course leave it to fate for me to feel sick on my mother's birthday AND on the weekend!  When the morning sickness reached its pinnacle, I started to become consumed with depression.  My mind doesn't respond well to long bouts of bodily discomfort.  This week really made me consider the possibility of post-partum depression with this next child.  I had neither morning sickness, nor depression with Diego.  I'm not saying Diego's an angel though; nor am I already choosing my favorite child.  Actually, I think that because of my little Diego demon (I say it in the most loving way) and his antics, I am physically exhausted to respond well to this next pregnancy.  During the first pregnancy I could take a nap whenever I wanted (as long as I wasn't working or driving...LOL), and I didn't have as many responsibilities.  Nowadays, things are so different.

So this weekend, there were times that I just needed to sit down and fester in my own cruddy mood.  I couldn't let this mood affect me, so I went on with my plans.  We went to my mom's birthday dinner.  We had to wait over an hour to be seated.  Over an hour!  I had to pretend like everything was OK until then.  Luckily the restaurant was outside of a mall, so my sister suggested that we do some shopping while we waited.

That's where I picked up my splurge item of the week.  An owl necklace for $18.  I've always wanted one, and ever since I started following the Adored Austin blog, I NEEDED one.  I love that blog because its a fashion/mommy blog, and we have mostly the same taste when it comes to accessories.  I mean, we even have the same diaper bag!

I did end up telling the big news to my family at the birthday dinner, and as I expected my mom didn't get it at first; she needed a little bit of explanation and coaxing.  As soon as she uncovered the second picture, she instantly thought it was a picture of Diego's first ultrasound...

"Actually, Mother, read the picture," I said.  And as her brain processed the wording, her face lit up and she said,

"Are you pregnant again!!!?"

"Yes, mother.  Now you can stop saying I'm getting fat!"

And she laughed.  Now she owns a frame with a picture of her two grandchildren.  She got lost in wonder for a minute as she tried to envision what her future grandchild would look like.  Whose face will eventually replace that photo?  We hope to find out by the end of this year!


All day morning sickness and depression.  Starting to notice a belly pouch.


N/A ; I must've been too depressed to feel I deserved good food.... NO!  Wait!  Now I remember!  Before the sickness and depression started I was craving a Little Lucca's Sandwich!  OMG it was deeeeeeelicious.  It was EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED AT THAT MOMENT.  It's been awhile since I've been satisfied like that with food in awhile.  Yup, I think I'll sit back now, and remember what it felt like to eat that sandwich - Ultimate Club... If you must know...


Jessica W said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope your morning sickness is short lived. I'm scared to death at the idea of being pregnant and caring for Ethan. I had severe morning sickness with both prior pregnancies. All day long, every day for the whole pregnancy. It was the pits and I didn't feel like doing anything. I think morning sickness or just feeling icky makes me have an overall craptastic mood. So I hope its short lived for ya!