Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Four Zero Project: Week 10

This week has been good to me.  I'm hoping that all signs point to the end of morning sickness.  Since my first prenatal appointment I have been pretty bad at taking my prenatal vitamins consistently.  This was a problem that I had during my first pregnancy too. 

Trying to be more responsible this time, I created an alarm/reminder on my phone and it worked for a few days and then the alarm mysteriously disabled itself.  Actually, as I was typing this, I just re-enabled it in hopes that I will get on track with my vitamins again.  Wish me luck!

Today, I snuck out of work for an hour to get my blood drawn for the integrated prenatal screening.  I entered the new hospital that I mentioned in a previous post.  You'll remember that in a few posts back, I wrote about how disgusting the old building's bathroom was?  Well obviously it was a much different experience in this new state-of-the-art building.  So far each time that I've gone to the bathroom, there have been dedicated bathrooms for the patients which are roomy and clean.  Today, as I walked into the Lab for my blood work, I stood looking around for a minute trying to find the number dispenser so that I could take a number.  I couldn't find it anywhere so, I just stood there hoping someone would tend to me.  Someone did shortly, and she asked me my name.  She then proceeded to hand me a pager, like the ones they hand you at some chain restaurants while you wait for your table.  We've come a long way since the "Take a Number" days!

None thank goodness!

I just ate a delicious chocolate doughnut!

Not a flattering pic of Diego, I know, but he was more interested in playing with my camera's remote!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Four-Zero Project: Week 9

This was a tough week.  Morning sickness made an appearance a few days ago and decided that it liked the digs and stayed lingering around for an entire 2 days!  Of course leave it to fate for me to feel sick on my mother's birthday AND on the weekend!  When the morning sickness reached its pinnacle, I started to become consumed with depression.  My mind doesn't respond well to long bouts of bodily discomfort.  This week really made me consider the possibility of post-partum depression with this next child.  I had neither morning sickness, nor depression with Diego.  I'm not saying Diego's an angel though; nor am I already choosing my favorite child.  Actually, I think that because of my little Diego demon (I say it in the most loving way) and his antics, I am physically exhausted to respond well to this next pregnancy.  During the first pregnancy I could take a nap whenever I wanted (as long as I wasn't working or driving...LOL), and I didn't have as many responsibilities.  Nowadays, things are so different.

So this weekend, there were times that I just needed to sit down and fester in my own cruddy mood.  I couldn't let this mood affect me, so I went on with my plans.  We went to my mom's birthday dinner.  We had to wait over an hour to be seated.  Over an hour!  I had to pretend like everything was OK until then.  Luckily the restaurant was outside of a mall, so my sister suggested that we do some shopping while we waited.

That's where I picked up my splurge item of the week.  An owl necklace for $18.  I've always wanted one, and ever since I started following the Adored Austin blog, I NEEDED one.  I love that blog because its a fashion/mommy blog, and we have mostly the same taste when it comes to accessories.  I mean, we even have the same diaper bag!

I did end up telling the big news to my family at the birthday dinner, and as I expected my mom didn't get it at first; she needed a little bit of explanation and coaxing.  As soon as she uncovered the second picture, she instantly thought it was a picture of Diego's first ultrasound...

"Actually, Mother, read the picture," I said.  And as her brain processed the wording, her face lit up and she said,

"Are you pregnant again!!!?"

"Yes, mother.  Now you can stop saying I'm getting fat!"

And she laughed.  Now she owns a frame with a picture of her two grandchildren.  She got lost in wonder for a minute as she tried to envision what her future grandchild would look like.  Whose face will eventually replace that photo?  We hope to find out by the end of this year!


All day morning sickness and depression.  Starting to notice a belly pouch.


N/A ; I must've been too depressed to feel I deserved good food.... NO!  Wait!  Now I remember!  Before the sickness and depression started I was craving a Little Lucca's Sandwich!  OMG it was deeeeeeelicious.  It was EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED AT THAT MOMENT.  It's been awhile since I've been satisfied like that with food in awhile.  Yup, I think I'll sit back now, and remember what it felt like to eat that sandwich - Ultimate Club... If you must know...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Milestones Day!

There's a lot going on today, and it's unfortunate that today has been one of my physically worst days of my new pregnancy to date.  I really don't know what's going on.  I guess I'm in the middle of experiencing an ALL DAY morning sickness.  I guess we should rename it to All Day-sickness.  I never had morning sickness with Diego!  Speaking of which, today he turns 16 months!

Lucky for me, it's Friday so I'll have a little time to recuperate over the weekend.  Unlucky for me, I'm at work right now and I have a 2-hr meeting that's scheduled to run at least until 4:30 pm, so there'll be no sneaking out early for me (**sad face).  Even worse is that today is my mother's birthday and the family decided to go out to dinner tonight at the last minute.  I thought I had more time, because we were planning to celebrate over the weekend.

So during my lunch break today in addition to feeling a great urge to vomit, I had to jump in my car and go shopping for my mother's birthday present.   Today is also the day that I plan to tell my parents the big news!  It's the best way that I can surprise them and catch them off-guard.

Here's my plan:
  1. Buy two frames.
  2. Put a picture of my mom and Diego in one, and a picture of the new ultrasound in the other.
  3. Photoshop the Diego picture to read:  "Greatest Grandma"
  4. Photoshop the utlrasound picture to read:  "Greatest Grandma: Round 2"
  5. Wrap the frames as a birthday present to my mother
  6. Hand it to her and tell her it's her present from Diego  (just like I did for Mother's Day)
  7. Make her open the Diego picture first, then the ultrasound picture
  8. Sit back, and see if they get it (**fingers crossed)

It might be a little early at 9 weeks, 2 days (or 9 1/2 weeks according to my latest ultrasound), but everything on the two ultrasounds that I've had so far have been positive.  And I really want to catch them with the element of surprise... and I figured I either surprise them this way, or puke in their laps.

Man!  I really need to feel better before tonight!  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Tale of Two Buildings

I basically have only one month left until the end of my first trimester.  Once I reach the "safer-zone" which is the second trimester, I will feel much more at ease with this pregnancy.  Although I know I'm never completely out of the woods.  After reading so many blogs and watching so many pregnancy videos on YouTube, my eyes have been opened to the increased possibilities of a miscarriage during the 2nd trimester.  But for now I'm going off of the generally approved statistical data that most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

I went to my first prenatal visit yesterday at 8 1/2 weeks.  It turned out that it was much too early to be able to hear the heartbeat, so when I told my doctor about the persistent spotting, she felt strongly that I should go in for another ultrasound.

The ultrasound machine used to be in another city about a 10-15 minute drive from my doctor's clinic.  Then she told me that the new hospital that was being built was finally open, and I just had to go across the street to where Diego was born.  A new hospital was being built next to the one Diego was born in, and eventually the one Diego was born it will be demolished.  As I drove up to the hospital(s), I think the pregnancy hormones started getting to me.  I was so moved by the two buildings that I started getting emotional.  To me, it was a perfect analogy of my first child, and now the new one on the way.

After finding my way around the hospital, I went in for my ultrasound.  The technician was a really nice lady who immediately let me know that the baby was just as they expected it would be.  It has grown since the last ultrasound and even so much that the expected due date was pushed up to Dec. 18th instead of the 21st.  She showed me the beating heart and told me it was strong at 180 bpm, and once again the hormonal emotions kicked in.

She went to go show the pictures to the doctor, but not before leaving me with a little treat.  She left the screen playing a continuous loop of the baby's heart beat.  I could watch that video for days, and maybe until my next appointment.  I took out my Iphone and snapped the first picture of BabyDOS; at that moment I totally regretted not having an Iphone 4G (with video capability).  I know I could try and upgrade my Iphone at work, but I didn't really have a good enough reason to.  Now I do, but I don't think "Cute new baby" is an option on the upgrade form....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Four-Zero Project: Week 8

Well folks, I've officially made it to Week 8 of The Four-Zero Project!  In my last update, I said that the spotting had delightfully decreased.  Wouldn't you know it that the very next day, I had I one strong spot come and visit me?  Fortunately since then, I haven't spotted any spots!  Cheesy play on words; I know....  I'll try not to do that again.

During this week I've only noticed an extremely light nausea that could also be mistaken for nothing more than a full tummy.  And speaking of my tummy, it's been craving all kinds of junkfood!  I've been trying my best to treat my diet plan like a drill-Sergeant, but the other day I caved in and bought myself a Big Mac (I only ordered the sandwich though!) and another day I drank a can of 7-Up that was seductively chilled in the refrigerator (but at least it was decaffeinated!). 

And what is my diet plan you ask?  Well, it's my regular diet only a little amped up and more strict.  I basically eat home-cooked meals everyday.  The meals usually consist of a cereal or toast with tea (decaffeinated now) for breakfast, and a rice or pasta with a meat (beef, chicken, or fish) and a side of veggies for lunch/dinner.  At our house, none of the food used to prepare our meals comes from cans. 

The things that I'm keeping in mind when I prepare my food now:
  • Stay away from Ceasar's salad dressing
  • Only eat sandwich meat if you nuke it in the microwave first
  • No more Queso Fresco for you!  (Mexican cheese like Feta)
  • Try not to eat tuna
  • No more Fast Food Fridays!
  • No caffeine (if you can help it)
All this may seem a little strict or that I'm over-reacting, but I figure it worked for my first pregnancy; why not this one?  A lot of people say that you tend to be less cautious the second-time around, but I'm trying my best not to make that statement true in my case (although damn! that Big Mac was delicious going down!)  I'm pretty sure I'll stick to my plan because I'm afraid of gaining too much weight; not that I have a weight-problem.  No, no.....

I'm terrified of stretch marks.  I already have more than I would ever want; and I hate them.  And I don't want to start a new collection now.

So... this is my new picture for Week 8 with my $20 dress that I had to buy so fast, I didn't even get to try it on first.  Not bad right?  I love BCBG!  There's just something about that brand.  I took this picture on Sunday morning during a break in a small rain storm we were having.  Of course it started raining moments later and I ran inside to protect my equipment.  I love the mood that the camera created with the lighting just before the rain.  Later that day, we enjoyed the San Francisco Bay to Breakers (luckily there was no rain the rest of the day).  I was sad to find that I had forgotten my camera at home; so no cool pictures.  Oh well...

Symptoms:  light nausea, extreme fatigue by 4pm (probably because of the "no caffeine" thing)

Cravings:  Big Macs!  or anything cheesy, preferably melty cheese.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Super Shopper!

If I had the time, energy, and money I'd be a shopaholic!   And now that I'm a mother its not so easy to hit the stores like I used to.  I used to spend hours shopping, taking my sweet time to find just the right thing.  But these days, I'll take any opportunity that I have as soon as I've walked in a store.  

Take yesterday for example.  My husband tells me that we're going to shop for clothes with my stepson, whose 16th birthday is today - woohoo!  We leave Diego with his Aunty for bonding time and run in and out of stores.  Luckily for me, we hit my favorite store:  Nordstrom Rack, where I immediately yell,

"See you suckers later!" and I run off to the baby section to find some cute stylish clothes for Diego.  I had planned to start off in the baby section, work my way to shoes for him, then look for some cute stuff for me, and maybe if I had time to find some nice accessories.  Yeah right!  My husband and stepson, being men, gave me all of about 15 minutes before they were "done" with their rummaging.  But this is where my increased skillz as a shopper have kicked in.  During that time I found 3 VERY cute, in my opinion, shirts and 1 DKNY jacket for Diego.  The jacket may have been a splurge at 20-something dollars, but it was cute enough for the price.  I'm used to mostly shopping at consignment stores for Diego, but I also like to throw in retail clothes as long as there's some type of clearance or discount.

We repeated the process at another store, Marshalls, where I found a dress in my favorite brand (BCBG Max Azria) for $20; cheaper than Diego's jacket!  I'm so awesome!  I plan to use the dress for my 8 week Four-Zero Project Shot and I'm sure I'll be going out for SOMEONE'S birthday this month (stepson, mother, father- a lot of May B-days for me)

What's my fascination with black and gray?

Anyway, I picked Diego up later that night.  He'd had a fun day at the park with his aunt and uncle.  Here are some photos she snapped of him.  I just love his smile: and look there's more teeth!

And here are some pics snapped during the birthday dinner (Diego's wearing one of the shirts I bought him):

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesdays (05/11): Pictures on Video

A compilation of some of my favorite pictures!

Vednesday, April 27th "Notable blog post" -  read and talk about a blog post that is special to you, could be yours  or one of the blogs you lurk... no rules here at Adeline's Daddy Blog.

Vednesday, May 4th "Birthday Wishes" - In honor of  Adeline's Daddy's Birthday (the dude, not the blog), Blow out the  candles and talk about something you are hoping or wishing for in your  life. And on May 5th, Remind me that I'm getting old.

Vednesday, May 11th "Pictures on video" - Show and tell time... show us some pictures, tell us a little about them.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Four-Zero Project: 7/40 Weeks

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's day!  I spent the day with family and eating Thai food in the city, and of course taking the next picture for the Four-Zero Project

We had dinner with my mother.  She mentioned that I'm gaining weight again.  Specifically, that my stomach is getting big.  It was so hard not to laugh - so I did.  I laugh at a lot of things she says, so I didn't let my secret out of the bag yet.  You might think my mother is mean, but her heart is in the right place.  After a lifetime of a weight struggle, she just doesn't want the same for her daughters.

Mid-week I spotted what I consider pretty strong for one day.  I felt so sad, because I convinced myself that I was having a miscarriage again as soon as I saw it.  Luckily it didn't develop into anything further and I am spot-free for a couple days now!  If I never see a spot again for the next handful of months, I will be a happy camper.

Symptoms - more burping and very, very slight nausea when I eat a lot.  I'm super-tired by the time I get home, and for some reason I'm more cold than usual.

Cravings - Fruit smoothies or any fruit-flavored drinks - even just water with lemon-wedges in it.  Anything but plain water, which I'm usually content with.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Four-Zero Project! Revived!

I can be a little superstitious at times, but lately I've been a little hesitant to post this because I fear it may bring me bad luck.  Nevertheless, I am going ahead because I really want to document this pregnancy to the fullest since it very well may be my last.

So... I am reviving the Four-Zero Project with the hopes that I will be able to make it to Week 40 this time around.  Let's all cross our fingers!

I took a few pictures over the weekend for Week 6 (I've made it to 7 as of yesterday, Yipeeeee!).  I could've chosen a couple different poses that had me smiling in them, but I thought this one was more telling of my real state:  worried.  Of course I am happy too.  I would love nothing more than to kick my feet up and enjoy this pregnancy, and after June 14th, I hope to reach that goal: the end of the first trimester.  Until then, due to my last experience, I wait....

  • Burpies, my body's way of stalling on-coming nausea, I think.
  • Occasional spotting, to my dismay

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Better Photo Lesson #1: Read Your Manual

I know I stated that I would complete each better photo lesson in a week instead of a day because I didn't have enough time for a day.  And guess what - I didn't have enough time in a week either!  You probably thought quietly to yourself, "This is just going to be something she plans on starting but never plans on completing."

In my defense, it's been quite the interesting and busy past couple of weeks if you've noticed in my blog posts.  But I'm writing today to show you that although I am occasionally late, this is definitely something I plan on completing!

Lesson #1 was to read my manual, and I'm proud to say that I actually did it!  The manual has all the markings of a book that's been perused during lunch breaks and right before bedtime.  It's dog-eared and highlighted like no one's business!

So what are the top cool things that I learned just from reading the manual?  I'm glad you asked, here's the top 7 things that perked my curiosity (7 whole things!  See, I did read it!):

  1. I can display an electronic level on the screen to ensure that my pictures don't come out crooked.
  2. I can record my information (or copyright information) on each picture taken.
  3. I learned a little more about a fast shutter vs. a slow shutter, but I'm pretty sure that's Lesson #2
  4. I learned what "recomposing" a picture means.
  5. The camera has a wind filter feature that I can use if recording movies on a windy day
  6. Eye-Fi cards allow you to upload pictures wirelessly (gotta get me one of those!)
  7. And probably, the coolest feature that I will use a lot is that I can apply creative filters on a photo - after taking the picture- right on the camera.  This is great for days when I don't want to bother to edit a photo.  The creative filters allow me to apply different intensities of soft focus, black and white grainy, toy camera, and miniature effects.




If I hadn't read my manual, I don't know how long it would've taken me to find this little gem of information.  Maybe never?

Happy photo taking!  Off to my next lesson!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Dream vs. The Reality


The first of May hit, and like clockwork the sun made it's debut in the Bay Area.  It was finally the perfect beach day!  I wish I could tell you that the day was perfect, and that nothing went wrong, and show you all these pictures of our AWESOME day!


The truth is that we made the most of the day, and Diego was a champ.  But he's been teething, and while I can feign happiness with all that's written on a blue-striped T-shirt [Happy Camper].  The truth is - Diego had bouts during the day where he was definitely NOT living up to his T-shirt.  Diego is teething, and I believe it's his molars, which I've heard are more painful, and he barely ate for 2 days.    We filled him up with ice cream, yogurt, and ice cubes.  If I'd have bothered to open my "What to Expect" emails, I would have learned that right about now (15 mos) is the time that they start coming in. It's so sad to see my little man in pain, so I gave him some baby Tylenol this morning before heading to the sitter's.

Decisions, Decisions

I'm a Libra - I can't make decisions.  As such, I've been struggling to decide when to tell my immediate family about the new pregnancy.  I waited 10 weeks to tell them about my first pregnancy, because I wanted to have a picture from the ultrasound for them and I made an elaborate video.  With the second pregnancy, I took a "what could go wrong?" approach and told them within the same week that I found out.  We all know what happened - BAM!

So now, I'm stuck in this mental limbo of decision-making. Given my last experience, I think I'll take some time and feel it out some more before I go blabbing around town.  Especially since I continue to spot.  I thought I was finishing up yesterday, to today's dismay :(

But it's so hard not to tell people!  I mean, I'm so close to my sister that it's hard to keep this kind of news from her.  She was actually the first person I've told each time (other than my husband of course).  And then there's my mother, who was dying (not literally) and impatiently waiting to become a grandma last time around...

Just yesterday, my mom offered me a little bit of chicken fried rice that she made, and I accepted.  She served me the dish and came prepared with a bottle of Kikkoman Soy Sauce in her hand.  She said, "I know that you ALWAYS add more soy sauce" - and it's true I do.  I don't even bother to taste the food first.  I can tell there's not enough flavor just by how brown it is.  This bothers my mom because it's "unhealthy" to put too much extra soy sauce on your food.    So just to get under her skin a bit, with a little smirk I poured a little more than I normally would - what else is a daughter supposed to do when her mother is looming over her shoulder observing her Kikkoman intake?  Of course I had to prod her!

And she reacted the way I expected.  She huffed and started talking about how bad it is to do that.  She told me that I need to start eating more healthy and taking care of myself.  Then she said in Spanish, "Te esta creciendo la pansa!" - my stomach is starting to grow.  Oh Mother, if you only read my blog.... [OK, and I'm probably guilty of one too many McDonald's runs too]

And then last week, before I knew for sure that I was pregnant, I received an email from my cousin in Peru.  We're pen pals (or is it called e-pals these days?  Or maybe keyboard pals?).    Anyway, she wrote a semi-short message to me.  If my Spanish speaking skills are not very good, then my reading and writing skills are worse (but she continues to write to me for some reason!)  I felt like Beavis and Butthead while reading her email, "Words, words, words, words, I'm pregnant again, words, words, words."

She's pregnant again?!!!!!!  And she beat me AGAIN!  I can't believe this chick!  This is the cousin with whom I made a pact years ago to get pregnant together.  She got preggers right away the first time, and I was TTC for 3 years.  Then, when I finally got preggers the first time, I was so excited to tell my family, but guess what - "Maura is pregnant too!  And she's due before YOU!"

And now we come to present-day, a week before I find out if I'm pregnant and like clockwork I get this email in my inbox.  OF COURSE you're pregnant Maura!  How could you not be?  I jest, because I love my cousin and am happy for her 3rd child on the way (may it be the boy she's been wanting).

But like I said, it's so hard not to tell my family...